Hollywood Camera Work Support

Full Version: sync, group selection e.t.c
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Hi there I started using shot designer (Pro) today running the latest version, on mac desk top - M1 mac iOS - 13.5.1 and iPhone 13 pro IOS 16.7.2 

  1. I have logged in successfully on both platforms using the same email, sync is set to auto, but when I save scenes on my desktop under custom folders I'm not seeing those folders or scenes on my iPhone and Vice versa? 
  2. How do I delete/rename folders?
  3. Is there a way of selecting multiple objects and copying and pasting them between different scenes?
  4. Is there a way of selecting multiple objects and rotating this all 90 degrees together?
Sorry for the delay, I'm apparently not getting notifications anymore.

What is an example of a folder you're saving something under. There are some folders that aren't synced, although most are. What is your path from the top, e.g. My Scenes/My Project/My Scene.hcw ?

Deleting or renaming folders is under Organize in the main menu.

There isn't copy/paste in the app. The data is poorly structured for it, and at this point, it's better to invest the energy for such a feature in the 3D version, which is closer and closer. It's quite technically involved to do copy/paste in any form.

I agree, there should be a way to rotate things in bulk.