Hollywood Camera Work Support Product Support Lobby A new forum again!

A new forum again!

A new forum again!

Per Holmes
11-25-2023, 11:15 AM
Hi everyone,

We decided to kill the previous Wix forum and start fresh with a proper forum.

Long story short, we used to be with vBulletin, but they had too many security problems, so we gave up, and went with a Wix forum in the hope that it would have proper security. Well, it never got hacked, but it was drowning in spam, and it was an atrocious forum experience overall. So we decided to nuke it and start fresh with a small, but proper forum. And here it is.

Sorry for the loss of history, but there's just no way to take posts with you when you change forum software.

Per Holmes
This post was last modified: 11-25-2023, 11:27 AM by perholmes.
11-25-2023, 11:15 AM #1

Hi everyone,

We decided to kill the previous Wix forum and start fresh with a proper forum.

Long story short, we used to be with vBulletin, but they had too many security problems, so we gave up, and went with a Wix forum in the hope that it would have proper security. Well, it never got hacked, but it was drowning in spam, and it was an atrocious forum experience overall. So we decided to nuke it and start fresh with a small, but proper forum. And here it is.

Sorry for the loss of history, but there's just no way to take posts with you when you change forum software.

Per Holmes

Games Developer Guru
12-01-2023, 12:54 PM
Hope it works out ok this time Smile
12-01-2023, 12:54 PM #2

Hope it works out ok this time Smile

Games Developer Guru
12-01-2023, 01:38 PM
Email notification received!
12-01-2023, 01:38 PM #3

Email notification received!

Per Holmes
12-01-2023, 01:39 PM
Perfect, thanks! I got mine too. Thanks for your help!
12-01-2023, 01:39 PM #4

Perfect, thanks! I got mine too. Thanks for your help!

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